
Memphis Guacamole

I recently visited Memphis, TN for a craft show that I helped my friend Renee with. She's a vegetarian, so in an unfamiliar city we had a little trouble figuring out where to eat. Let me quickly plug the app I got on my iPhone, Urban Spoon! If you have a hard time deciding where to eat with a group or if you are in unfamiliar territory it is great! The first night we went out we find this great little diner called Blue Plate, which we thought was so funny because we eat at a Blue Plate Cafe where we live all the time!
Anyway, the food was delicious! I'd definitely recommend it if you are in the Germantown area! I got beef tips with gravy over rice, fried okra, and mac and cheese..but the best part is in the background of the picture: the biscuits!

The second night we ate what we always eat: MEXICAN! Now I LOVE fresh guacamole, but the place I like to get it from is slightly expensive. This neighborhood, on every corner Mexican place, made the same fresh guacamole at our table! So I watched carefully, and recreated it at home! Very simple, takes two or three minutes and is DELICIOUS! The best part is that it is made of fresh veggies, so it has to be good for you, right?? No mayo like those store packet mixes!

3 small avocados or 1 large avocado
1/4 of a small red onion (or however much you like)
1 small tomato
lime juice
garlic powder

First-this is how MY tastebuds like it. You may want to omit onions, double the tomatoes, or whatever. Trust your own judgment and use this as a guide to getting your perfect guacamole.

Slice the avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop away the fleshy part from the skin with a spoon. In whatever container you want to serve the guacamole in, mash the avocado with the fork until it is easy to stir. Chop the tomatoes and onion and add to the avocado. Squirt a generous amount of lime juice over the mixture (I just used the bottled kind.) Then add pepper, garlic powder, cilantro to taste.(I didn't have any but I definitely like it better when it has cilantro in it. In a pinch, any herb you like will do.)

Serve with your favorite tortilla chips!
Word of advice- don't make more than you will eat, after a night in the fridge the avocado starts looking kind of brown!

Happy Cooking!

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